so i have been playing this game in some casino in asia for a month now. the HE is really good.


there is absolutely no heat at all. i have been playing $1 x2hands, spreading $50x2, $75x2, $100x2...up to $500x2.

i won $12500 for the first 2 weeks then lost $13000 in last 2 weeks. since this was in a private casino, i feel like they cheated. it was so weird that the first 2 weeks i was on winning streak every day then all of sudden, the game is changed and i could only won 2 days out of last 14 days. it took me about 7000 rounds to win the first $12500 and then 5000 rounds to lose the $13000. what are the chances though? do you guys think they cheated or is this just one of the million variance?

edit: i used zen count with full indices.