I'm recreational (but have been playing a little more recently) and only have macs, so if someone could quickly compute this game's ev, I'd be forever grateful. Well, not forever. But a few minutes grateful.


I mostly play 6 decks, 3:2, LS, s17 mostly but sometimes h17, 75-80% pen. Sometimes I play 8 deck, around the same pen with usually the same rules.

Spread: I play 15/25 games. I usually start with two hands then sit/wong out one or both when TC -2. Max is 2 hands of around 250 each. For a 15 game, a bit less. Some betting camo I picked up from here (not sure necessary on shoe games but I'm a bit paranoid) such as usually not reducing bet after a win, not jumping bets from min to max, etc.

I do some wonging in as well if I happen to pass by a table just starting. I'll come in at TC 1-2 and see if it goes anywhere.

Let me know if I left out any necessary info.
