$15 table, True Count is 2. I had a $75 bet, and I get blackjack (2 other players also have blackjack). Dealer’s upcard is a 10. I didn’t think the dealer checked his hole card with the electronic eye. But whatever, not my problem, he pays me $112.50, and pays off the other two blackjack hands.

Play continues, one guy busts, the other two hit, then stand on 18 & 19. While that is going on, I grabbed my blackjack chips and original bet and restacked my chips (I have a big stack of green plus 2 reds, and one pink $2.50 chip). I’m planning on lowering my next bet because the count has dropped.

The dealer flips over his hole card & he has blackjack. Oops! Chaos ensues. The dealer looks a bit flustered.

The dealer thought he checked his hole card, and got the green light. Another player says yeah the light was green. Then the dealer remembers that he paid out some blackjacks, but his memory is a little bit fuzzy. He asks me what I had, and I say I don’t remember, and I look back at the baseball game on tv. While the players and dealer were discussing, I rat holed my two red chips & pink chip, and put a single $25 green chip back into my betting circle.

Pit boss is called over to the table, and she calls surveillance for help. Dealer tells the pit boss that I had a $75 blackjack hand that he paid off. She looks at my stack of green, and says, “Well he doesn’t have any red or pink chips”.

I figured at the worst, that I would be asked to give back the $112.50. I’m not sure what surveillance actually said to the pit boss, but she ruled that I had to pay back $37.50 (which would have been correct if it was only $25 blackjack). So, I paid back the $37.50 , and the game moved on.

My main question is about surveillance. Are the camera angles that bad? Is the surveillance staff incompetent? They can’t tell the difference between a $75 bet and a $25 bet. Do they know the rules of blackjack?

Also, how much of your profit is from dealer mistakes, 5%? I have seen many dealer mistakes. When it is in the casino’s favor, I speak-up quickly. I try to be polite about it, and it is easiest to fix a mistake if you catch it right away. When the mistake is in my favor, I do not say anything to help the dealer/pit boss.