I wonder what the strategy might be when you find a great place and a great game within a couple (3) of hours drive from home. Its a great game with great penn and decent rules dealt by a couple of dealers (they provide the best penn and I know their shift). I have won about $3k over the last 4 sessions over 2 weeks. Because I have been there often over the years, they know me. One young pit person has even commented "this guy never loses" (to which I reply that I have lost plenty over the years).

The question, do I just go win as much as possible in as short time as possible (cause someone else might show up and burn the game) or do I slow down, maybe go for a session every now and then (once a week, once a month or what?) and hope to preserve it.

When you find a game like this (not always open but they close a carnival game and open it upon request and generally can be played heads up or with one other player) what is the strategy? Do you just play often expecting it will get closed or do you slow down, hope it can last a long long time. When you find such an opportunity, how do you handle it?

The thing is, that at certain times and weekends, this table (despite the penn) probably makes the casino a lot of money as its full with its share of ploppies. Its only a great game at certain times (week days, late nights) when heads up is possible. There is not much heat if you restrict your spread to a modest one ($25 to $125) but the penn means decent EV.