Quote Originally Posted by Dbs6582 View Post
Point taken! I haven't been backed off lately, but I remember one well. I was doing some serious damage (meant sarcastically) spreading from $10 to two hands of $40 and down about $300 when a big burly guy tapped me on the shoulder and said my action was no longer welcome. He was very rude, waited for me at the cage to cash out and then walked me to the door, making sure I went to my car. He was definite sending me a message. They didn't want me there. I was actually put in their data base and can't play at any of their casinos nationwide. This happened almost 10 years ago and I'm still in their data base. At that time, I probably wasn't even a winning player, at least I wasn't that night.

if this happened to me going from $10 to $40 and being down $300, I can only imagine what happens to people playing big money and actually winning. I'd rather not find out.
Sounds like something that happened to me quite few years ago. I was only playing red chips with a real weak spread. It was something like two hands with maybe a $10 to $40 spread. However, on negative hands I would sit out and not play at all.