It's been many months going on a year of counting for me. I think it's finally time to upgrade a count system and start playing with (slightly) more power. I chose ZEN because it seems to be a good middle ground between a beginning system and an advanced one. I do not have a copy of "Blackbelt in Blackjack" anymore so I wanted to make sure I am correctly applying this system:

Keep a running count (2,3, and 7 are +1; 4,5, and 6 are +2; 10 and face are -2; ace is -1). Divide running count by remaining whole decks to obtain true Zen count. Now, since tens are counted as twice the normal amount in the running count it is my understanding that every Zen true count gives the player half the advantage that a hi low true count would give. So, very roughly, +1 Zen true count is +0.25% advantage whereas +1 hi low true count is +0.5%. Therefore, I will have to adjust my betting spread accordingly.

I'm a little confused because I vaguely remember Snyder did not divide by remaining whole decks but remaining "fraction" decks and this threw off the index numbers. I am assuming that CVCX generated index numbers follow the standard "whole deck" converted true count and not fractional decks. Just to be sure, do these Zen index numbers seem right for a double deck game where true was determined by dividing by WHOLE decks remaining?:

11 vs A +1
10 vs 10 +7
10 vs A +5
9 vs 2 +2
9 vs 7 +7
8 vs 6 +4
8 vs 5 +7

My assumption is that they do because they seem to be, more or less, double the hi low index.

Any advice on zen count (pros/cons) keeping in mind I am moving from hi low? Thanks in advance.