Having mostly played with a card, now trying to play anonymously I am finding some difficulty. The heat is higher.

They say a CC has a small edge. I wonder how much smaller it gets when we abstain from some deviations (splitting tens), compromise our bet because we are being watched, compromise our play so they dont see us as very good (not doubling A,8 against a bust card) or varying our play according to count too much (insurance, not hitting 15 against a 9 because the TC is very high, you have a max bet out etc.).

To me, its easier playing a good game at red chips stake but moving up to Greens, there are compromises to be made that might wither the edge to nothing. How do you handle these issues. Do you just go with "I am playing my game and if it results in a backoff, so be it"?

At busy times with lots of tables open in the HL room, I find that I play conservatively for a couple of rounds and the pit goes elsewhere but at other times after midnight or early mornings, you get heads up play but the heat is pretty focused and I feel being evaluated and miss out on opportunities by less than optimal betting or using deviations too much. The "act" requirements increase.

The experienced here can help with some sharing of philosophy.