O my brothers, o my brothers and only friends – I wasn't going to post this for awhile but in light of recent threads I figured it was time.

An advantage is an advantage – doesn't matter where it comes from or what you believe – it just is. People think card counting is gambling, or illegal or voodoo – believe me I know more than most how ignorant the general public is about card counting (try advertising for a big player..) but it doesn't matter what they think because the research has been done – the science is in – it is an ADVANTAGE.

This applies to other facets of life as well – though many aspects seem to be enshrouded in as much ingrained ignorance and misplaced hostility – which is sad because a great deal of evil is allowed to prevail where a little light of knowledge would make it shrivel back into darkness.

Highly optimal habits add up to a highly optimal life – and, like counting, engendering these habits is a matter of overcoming the initial inertia to change and then perseverance in the face of frustration, desire, and temptation to regression towards the comfortable and unproductive mean.
I have been healthy and unhealthy in my life – I knew I was going to join the military from a young age so health, exercise, and physical and mental fitness has been a prime and sometimes all-consuming directive since I was fourteen. Health continued until I was honorably discharged (mode of exit from the military included here in order to assuage assumptions based on my forum persona) then I got unhealthy. Eating a lot – crappy stuff – and never exercising – this continued off and on until January of this year, 5 weeks later I've lost 12 pounds of fat gained 6 pounds of muscle, need much less sleep – don't have cravings, have steady energy all day, and find concentrating on practicing and studying card counting infinitely easier then before.
This is how I did it. Do it (it continues)

Morning: Super water. Water with Fo Ti Root powder, Fenugreek Seed powder, rhodiola root powder, horny goat weed powder, ashwaganda root powder, Nettle leaf powder, Maca powder, tribulus fruit powder, cream of tartar, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, fresh pressed ginger, lime juice, pre-workout ( B6, Folic Acid, B12, Creating monohydrate, creatine hyrdochloride, l arginine, l citrulline malate, agmatine sulfate, taurine, choline bitartrate, caffeine)
Super Tea: Tea-ball with Ginko Leaf, Yohimbe Bark, Sarsparilla root, Damiana, Hibiscus Green tea – small amount of pre-workout for taste
Super Juice – Cold auger press (Omega) Kale bunch, Cilantro bunch, Parsley bunch, Cucumber, carrot, beets, occasionally rutabagas (small amount to get the other stuff through )
Super solids: Cacao nibs (actual nibs – not a candy, don't chew them) diced garlic, diced jalapeno.
That's it. No food, beverage other then tea or water until 6 to 8 pm after workout.
Post workout - single meal of the day. Roasted, pan or baked chicken with broccoli and spinach and mushrooms or Steak with same vegetables or turkey with same vegetables. Half avocado.
Super bar: A mini-cupcake sized super bar of chia seed, hemp hearts (a super protein), (majority) blended sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, blended macademia nuts, cashew nuts, and dehydrated blueberries, strawberries hand mixed together in a food processed paste of figs and dates and a small amount of coconut oil and syrup to make a binder baked on medium for 45 minutes.
1 or 2 super bars depending on if it was a heavy day (i.e. legs, or a + 3 hour gym session)
Bone broth: Butcher or store bought soup bones in 3 gallons of water with onion and garlic slow boil for 72 hours – strain and freeze.
Extra credit – sprout your own broccoli seeds for the sulfurophane.
That's it.

It seems like a lot but remember it's just a long list – it's very easy to mix all the powders in a gallon jug of water (don't mix it with an actual gallon though) while tea water is either boiling or microwaving, and if you have a pre-chopped mix of garlic and jalapeno's in the fridge it just takes a second to grab them and power them down with the super water. The super bars are a little sticky to make but you can make a whole mess of em at one time and they keep extremely well in the fridge. A little bone broth goes a long way – just half a cup a day is good – a batch lasts a long time.

This is a combination of modified keto (not as much fat as traditional keto) intermittent fasting, juicing, and testosterone boosting – the science is in on all these things – like card counting – it doesn't matter what your opinions are in doesn't matter how strongly held your beliefs are – these things all work. Now, just like card counting, the question on whether it works or is even feasible for you is a highly personal one and is calculated using the numerator of your will against the denominator of your laziness – but if you have even slightly more will then inertia and are able to only apply a small fraction – that small fraction is still an advantage – an advantage you didn't have before. Each step – drinking only super water and tea with no sugared drinks – no eating processed foods – working out 3 to 5 times a week - eating once a day – all these things add up to percentage points over the house – the house being the forces of entropy and corporations that conspire to keep you unhealthy because that's the way of the Universe is and there is more money in it. Each time you eat raw garlic and drink gritty water and kale juice instead of getting an egg McMuffin and a coke you are playing with an edge over the forces of heart disease (the number 1 killer in the modern world) – obesity (the number 1 ailment in the modern world) – and laziness/lack of motivation (the number 1 emotional problem in the modern world) – each time you eat once a day you increase your edge against the energy/emotional roller coaster ride of the interplay between blood sugar/insulin/leptin/ghrelin.
Believe me – when the other poster was describing his day I could have been reading a teleplay of my own life – no motivation, weird self-defeating narcissistic tendencies, thinking that getting any help was a sign of weakness, sleeping 16 hours a day (that was a LIGHT sleep for me), hyper-productivity in highly focused areas to the detriment of normal life functions, lack of friends and social circle (well that part is still the same but I am geographically isolated and am happy (in a very loose definition of the word) being by myself, little energy for extra curricular activities or even personal hygiene. Perfunctory advice is to seek professional help – but I was not going to do that and I think that neither is the other poster so something else must come into play besides a shoulder shrug. My diet before was: frozen pizza (I could have made the Eiffel fucking Tower from the boxes), pre-seasoned ribs with a whole bottle of bar b que sauce (not an exaggeration – do you know how much corn syrup is in a bottle!), chips, cookies, frozen burritos, frozen french fries, and those Marie Callenders chocolate satin pies, fast food, and chinese food. That's it I would literally eat nothing else – if it wasn't a frozen pizza, it was fast food and if it wasn't one of those two it was ribs and fries.
I felt shitty- all the time.

I have been doing what I described above for 5 and a half weeks – start in the morning with super water, tea, juice and solids. Live my fucking life. Eat once a day (usually after working out which means that I am hungry enough to eat vegetables – which I used to hate) and make sure that if I am going to be busy (not likely) that I premake chicken or steak or whatever. It seems like a lot but you have no idea how easy it becomes once it is a habit – and not worrying about making or buying breakfast, lunch and snacks saves an unbelievable amount of time and money.
When I go on a casino run (drive) I pre-make the green juice and store it in a cooler with ice, I take the super bars, and a tupperware of chicken and broccoli with a bag of spinach. After I eat I feel ENERGIZED (especially with the juice) instead of shitty like after a casino buffet – it costs almost no money compared to eating out and it is always on hand. If I was to fly I would take pack more juice and super bars (maybe freeze one or two bottle of juice) and just stop at a grocery store and get store sliced turkey or ham and a bag of spinach.
Now I feel awesome – I only need about 4 to 6 hours of sleep – if I get more because I have nothing else to do and I like to lucid dream and if I get something like 8 to 10 – then I DONT NEED TO SLEEP THE NEXT DAY. All the symptoms of what seem like depression have vanished (I am not saying the clinical depression is not a real thing – I am sure that it is and I am equally sure that a severe, measurable chemical imbalance must be addressed by a highly trained professional – but I am also equally sure that a great deal of people don't have that – they just eat like shit, move like shit and thusly – feel like shit. This isn't about curing epilepsy with a juice fast (though the keto diet WAS made to cure epilepsy in children in the early 20th century) or about curing schizophrenia with pushups – its about curing your shitty energy levels, your shitty attitude, and your shitty body with a complete overhaul and reversal of all those things that made them shitty. And, especially for the elderly, I am not overly advocating the gym (I spend a lot of time there because I am still relatively young, have been doing it forever, and have lots of freetime – if you walk half an hour a day at an accelerated pace I am happy – all the work is done in the habit of the diet or more accurately (and fashionable) life-style adjustment. I AM advocating the SAUNA at the gym as it has shown to be highly active in various anti-aging metabolic pathways and maybe the pool as it is a great way to get a low joint-impact workout.
So what has changed? Everything – from the little to the great . Before I would stumble into bed feeling shitty and look and the bathroom and be like “Fuck brushing my teeth and fuck myself” and then I would go have fitful sleep with shitty, shitty dreams. Now that's unthinkable and my dreams are awesome. Before going to the gym would be an unthinkable burden – now sometimes I stay up all night (usually reading this forum) and WAIT for the gym to open so I can be the first one there and then I go back in the after noon hungry for more. Before I hated reading, viewing or doing anything that wasn't some mindless entertainment – now I have the energy and drive for practicing things, for getting out of my comfort zone both physically and mentally. I feel happier – less pessimistic, more hopeful about the future – easier to be around people. I have energy all day there is no lull – I never nap, never feel run down and never feel like it's all too much. Aside from a little caffeine in the green tea and the pre-workout – this is all done without stimulants or pills or chemicals of any kind. Just natural foods – lots of water – and a little bit of herb powders to make sure my testosterone doesn't drop off
Skeptical? Be as skeptical as you want – its how we don't burn people at the stake anymore – but if you are feeling shitty - if you recognize the same patterns in your life and the same symptoms presenting themselves – then try it – try it for a month – skip all the herbs if you want – it is by far the least important aspect (and for me not even really necessary as my testosterone is already sky-high – but I like the boost) but do NOT skip the cinnamon, lime, applecider vinegar and ginger in your water. If you dont want to make the bars – just swallow chia with water and add some hemp hearts to your cooking and occasionally eat a small amount of nuts with dinner. Try it for one month and see how you feel – I promise it won't be the same – if you want advice or someone to commiserate and help you through it hit me up at [email protected] and I will respond anytime.
Much love o my brothers,
- D