Spending countless mind-numbingly boring hours doing repetitive mental calculations, often being in the company of less than desirable and obnoxious individuals and drunks, seeing the tragic state of degenerate gambling addicts throw their life savings away, hearing the same music playlist for the 4th time in an hour, constant anxiety about cover and whether or not the tap on the shoulder is coming today or tomorrow, wondering if theres better things to do with your limited time etc etc.

So I ask long term APs; if you could turn back time to the point where you decided to commit to counting as a career, would you still choose to do it? Or would you have done something else?

I've been reading a few memoirs of prominent APs who did the circuit in the 80's, and although they are now affluent and lead priviledged lives, they often express a level of regret for choosing the path that they did and the time they spent in casinos, which for a lot of us I presume, aren't places we particularly like or enjoy going to.