Hi everyone! I've almost completed my first year of counting.. Thank you all for the advice you've given me so far. In about a year, I've nearly doubled my bankroll. I'm back for more advice/ opinions. Here's my updated status and question:

BR: $18,000
Count: complete zen, first 20 indices

I'm wondering about my game selections, and whether I would benefit from traveling. My job allows me to travel on 3-6 month contracts nationwide, or stay local. Where I'm at now my games (mostly) look like this:

-6 or 8 decks
- h17, das, rsa 4x, no surrender
- 85-90% pen depending on dealer

Like I said, I've been playing these all year and have made a bit of a profit off of them. Would I be better off accepting work somewhere that allows me to play double deck or single deck blackjack? I ask because I was reading the site blackjackinfo.com and a page on there mentions that even if you only play a few double deck games per year, it's better than slugging it out at 6 deck games all the time. Is there truth to that? Even though the double deck games I've seen are all only 50-60% pen? How much pen is sufficient on single and double deck? Secondly, if that's the case should I stick with zen count for those games or learn a count that is specific to those games like ho2 asc? Thanks for any insight you can offer, I hope everyone's been having a good year.