Six and a half years ago I answered this question, thus ...

All Clear,

I am sorry to burst your bubble but in dollars and cents, on any basis,

[per hand, per 100 hands, per year, etc.] your gain is essentially nothing.

The notion that "every penny counts", or the equivalent thereof, is shortsighted and psychopathological.

You have a $10 match play and you wait until you have a 2% advantage. Whoopee! Your e.v.has increased by 20 cents!

You need to focus on the basics — improving your game selection, counting accuracy, bet sizing accuracy, playing accuracy, etc.

Think for a moment of what your average wager is and how many hands per hour you are playing,

and for how many hours you are playing. That figure is your "handle" — that is your aggregate bets.

IF you are earning 0.50%, or less, you may realize that saving a few nickels and
represent an increment of approximately zero.

You are likely getting even money on a BJ and your bonus payoff will apply
to your bet ~ but not to the match play coupon.

I had played where they take your money and hand you back the coupon.
Are you sure that that is not the case?