Running through 6 deck simulations with real cards if my count is running count 20 and up with under 3 decks left I play 2x50 and side bet 10 dollars each hand. If running count is 10 and up under 2 decks I hit two tens much more frequently and blackjack many times when I don't. I been putting out 2x50 and 25 for side bet running count 10 and up under 2 decks left. Rare shoes over 20 running count w 3 decks invariably becomes over 10 running count 2 decks left. Just two shoes with counts peaking out at 20 and up w 3 decks to play and iI can very nearly double my 5000 dollar bankroll. Lucky ladies payout ..two queen of hearts and dealer blackjack 1000 to 1.. 2 queen hearts 200 to 1...same rank and suit 19 to 1 same suit...9 to 1...any other 20...4 to 1. Planning on starting my play on this 5000 dollar bankroll at a casino that offers great rules...over 80 percent penetration depending on dealer..s17 das split to 4 hands. 6 deck 5 and 10 dollar minimum 1on 1, 2 on , or 3 on 1 with dealer 3 am to 6 am. Can get in 7 to 9 2 to 3 hour sessions before flying home. Wondering what the described strategy does to my ROR th as already a bit higher than 5 percent. I feel its quite possible to double my bankroll with 24 hours of play at this particular casino due to excellent penetration combined with lucky ladies side bet with low minimums and very little heat....any thoughts?

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