Quote Originally Posted by BJPloppy View Post

I have heard of this rule, but never seen it in person. How did you decide which plays were worth giving up? How much EV would seeing an extra card be worth? I assume you are speaking of making plays that are basically a toss up anyway. If not, I would think the better move would be to always play two or three hands if there is no one else at the table. This is not a criticism, I just want to know where my thinking is off.
Your thinking about right. The cost to me was simply a difference in amount lost on negative expectation hands versus the knowledge of an additional card, which represented additional deck penetration. Given enough hands, the differential is enough to potentially make a difference between medium type VS max bets towards shoes end. Now, I honestly don't recall if that indeed happened, however, the potential of it happening would be significant enough to make the play(s) very worthwhile.

I was essentially talking about passing 15, 16 type hands v 9 or 10 with NS, neutral and negative counts.