Quote Originally Posted by moses View Post
sigh. Here is Zee in a nutshell. He bets a TC 4. He loses both hands. More smalls came out than large. Now he is now in a position of power. He is afraid of losing now more than ever. So he can't bet more because he already wasted his max. So he bets less, minimum, or even walks away. Now he writes in to the forum and you guys blister the poor bastard telling him he needs to be more aggressive sooner.

ZeeBabar, is the only one who knows how he will react in the middle of the battle. He has been told to many times to mention, of the right way to bet his hands based on the count. Now you are saying he is raising his bets not only to early, but he will be discouraged and back off or quit if he looses a two hand max bet, even if more small cards fell and raised the count. The man has been drilled and knows better on what to do, now if he does not follow the correct way of playing, NO ONE will be able to help him, not even someone who believes that he and, as well as others should be raising their bets latter in a even higher positive true count.