This may have been talked about on here or somewhere else before, but if so I missed it. I`m sure others have done this or thought of it, but for those who haven`t, a really useful tool for tracking your blackjack sessions can be one of the many live poker session/bankroll phone apps. I had one from way back when I was still playing live poker. So when I switched to counting cards, I started using the app I had (iOS app called RunGood) to see if it would transition well to tracking and analyzing 21 session results and info. After using it for a good while now, I think it works really well for that purpose and that others would love using something like this also. There are more apps out there like mine, but I haven`t used any other, so I`m not aware of how well those would work for this purpose. Sure, there are specific stats and features that are so poker-specific that they`re not useful to blackjack in any way, but in my opinion those can be easily ignored.

I`ll describe some of the features of the one I have to paint a picture. One of the best features is that it can email you a csv file of all of your results. So those out there that like using Excel will be able to use the data in the csv file for making a graph, etc., or just use it as a backup in case something happened to your phone (your results can be imported back in if this happened also). Another one of my favorites is that it has a graph that will let you see your winnings either by the hour or by the session. The graph will show whatever specific results you filter for too. Here`s a breakdown of how it works. Each session is tracked by the location/casino that you enter in manually, and within each session you can track your expenses/amount tipped, the amount of time played, result or amount won/lost, date/time, and currency. There is also a notes section within each session result, so you can type out things you want to keep track of like what you wore that particular day, penetration, dealer/pit boss names, heat evaluation, what betting level was reached, etc., etc. There is a stats section that sums everything up so you can see all of your sessions cumulatively (or for however you set the filter). The stats section will show: overall profit per hour, total # of sessions played, total time of all sessions down to the minute, winning vs. losing # of sessions, per hour/session std. dev., locations that were most profitable/most played, etc. You can use filters so you can see the graph or cumulative winnings stat section by location/casino, date, or tag. The tags work like this. You create a tag and call it whatever you want, so let`s say you wanted to analyze your DD winnings/stats vs. shoe game ones. You would create a DD tag and a shoe game tag. In each session result, you go to the tag section and choose whatever you played. Then when you wanted to go back and analyze all your cumulative stats for DD, you just filter by that particular tag. Another example of one that could be really helpful would be something like "no heat". If you wanted to go somewhere where your last session had no heat or minimal heat, you could just filter your sessions by that tag and find the last session with that tag. Or you could create a tag for each shift. Other tag examples for filtering your results: DD or 6/8 deck shoe game, backed off, major/minor heat, major/minor loss, max bet was reached, heads-up game, played with 1 other player, wonged out, played multiple shoes, etc., etc. There is also a goals section, so say for instance if you want to play a certain amount of hours or sessions in a certain time frame, you just go to the goals section after setting the specific goal up and it`ll display how many sessions/hours you`ve played overall and how many you have left to go to reach it.

At this point, everyone is probably wondering how much of a cut I get from the app sales haha. I promise I have no affiliation with this product whatsoever, it`s just been so helpful for me that I wanted to suggest it to others. You can get a trial version of the one I have for free, but I never used that version before buying it, so I don`t know what the functionality differences are. The price is high for a phone app (I think it`s around 20 bucks), but honestly I would have paid more because it`s so convenient. The main other ones that I found in a google search are listed below, but as I said before it looked like there were a lot of them.

Poker Journal
Poker Session Logger
Poker Income
Poker Analytics

If anyone does get it, I suggest using it for a while first to get really familiar with it first before completely setting it up with the locations, game types, and tags. Otherwise it`ll be difficult to envision how it`s going to work and the different ways you can configure it.