Hello, I'm a new blackjack player....or, more like a new hopeful AP. I'm trying to decide if I'm ready to actually start betting with the count. The games at my local casino are:

-6 deck, h17, doa, das, rsa up to 4 times, No surrender options......$5-500 table limits, or 10-1000 limits

Ok, info on my play:

- Using a basic strategy app, I can go through 500 hands pretty consistently with no mistakes.

- The count I've memorized is the complete Zen count, using full decks for true count conversion....I have yet to try it in real play but using a card counting app, I can go through 8 decks with no mistakes, or maybe off by 1-2 sometimes (running count, the app doesn't have a discard pile, so no practice converting).

- I have only just started memorizing indices, so I only know four of them....Stand 16v10 at 0, stand 15v10 at 6, double 9v2 at 2, insure at 5

- Starting bankroll is $5000, but only because that's what I have saved up so far....so it's replenishable.

Ok, so....with all of this in mind, am I ready to start betting with the count, or do I need to practice more before I have an advantage? Some friends and I are going to the casino this weekend, so I can just flat bet for fun if I need to. If I am ready to begin using my counting, any suggestions on a bet ramp or any tips from some of you vets would be really appreciated. Thanks for your time!