I was playing a DD deck with one other player and the dealer was flashing the bottom card often. Unfortunately, the ploppy would not relinquish the cut card and let me cut. In any case, when I was cutting, and I cannot cut accurately enough to get the bottom card, if I saw a small card, I would rule it out and start my RC at +1 and if I saw a big card, keep it in play. A couple of times, I saw an Ace but I could not get it to myself. Dealer got a BJ once and dealer had the Ace as face card and another Ace in hole. Both in second round. I had placed a slightly higher bet, just in case I got a BJ, lost the bet both times.

How would I cut if the bottom card is 7-9? Do I cut them out, keep them in play, have them come out early in deck or later?

If you see a high card, do you cut it so that card comes out in latter rounds or early rounds if playing heads up or with one other player?