There was a casino where I used to play rated a lot. Then I got backed off and stopped playing there. I got good mailers for a long time afterwards, and still even get a little almost a year later.

Then a couple months ago, I played at a sister property in another state hundreds of miles away. I didn't use my player's card since since I figured it would trigger an immediate backoff. The only time I showed my ID (except for brief age verification) was when I was cashing out at the cage. I used a passport (It does not have address.) The cashier found me in their system and asked if I was still at the same address. I said, "Yeah," and then she printed me a copy of my old player's card.

Now, I'm starting to get decent mailers from the new casino. I'm quite perplexed by this. I never used any player's card there, and the pit boss did not look me up. How did they even know what I was betting to determine the mailer size? Does this mean I can go play rated there with impunity and try to beef up my mailers?