I was just curious about blackjack conditions outside of the US. Is it worth going through everything needed to get there and play? And by there im not even sure where lol. How is, say, Europe compared to the US when it comes to quantity/ quality of games?

Is it harder or easier to get say 2x600 down than the US? What do they do to card counters? Back off, 86, arrest? I've never left the US except to take a cruise, but ive heard that there are a lot of places to play in general outside of the US... i just don't know where to start. Im a black chip player going up to anywhere from 2x400 to 2x1000 depending on casino conditions (in the US)

Then, not even really blackjack related, is it hard to travel with 50-100k? What's the best way to do that? Cash? Wire? Do you get hassels with it?

Any tips/ advice would be greatly appreciated.