As some of you may have seen I have made a recent comeback to play.

The first two sessions I played, I managed to get a small (consistent with EV) win the first time, and on my second session I managed a medium-sized win, my best result in about 15 sessions.
That being said, I still registered my second- and third-lowest end-session results of all time (150+ sessions).

I went back and played my third session. Same old story. With a max bet of $75x2, I busted out $2000 in double quick time. I did not win a single non-min bet until I was $1300 down - and I didn't do bad at the min bets. Every single double and split failed.

In my first 100 sessions I had two losses of this magnitude. In my last ten sessions I have had five.

I'm sorry but I no longer believe that this game is winnable - ever. I'm not willing to lose 15% of my turnover time and time again. $16,000 down the drain since August of last year is enough.