When playing rated, you can try some tricks to control your wins and losses. Ratholing (hiding chips) is the biggest one, as it makes you look like less of a winner, or possibly a loser. Another method is whether or not you "book" wins by coloring up.

For example, if you have a session where you lose $100, you can color up at the end, and let them book the loss. If you win $1800, just grab the chips and leave. The dealer will yell at you and ask you to color up. Completely ignore them, leave as quickly as possible. They will then have no idea what you won or lost. A dumb floor may just record that you left with nothing (I have had this happen), or leave you in the system for hours, or record that you left with your original buy-in.

Obviously, one risk is that they'll put you down for MORE than you won, but that's why they call it gambling!