I'm new to this site, just registered. I was wondering if someone can help my with a question.

(Counting aside) how far do you take the Basic Strategy. If, for example, I'm dealt a hard 13 and the dealer is showing a 10, basic strategy says, HIT. So, I HIT. Let's say I'm dealt an A. Now I have 14. Basic Strategy says, with a 14, & the Dealer has a 10 showing, HIT. So, I hit again. Let's say I'm dealt another ACE. Now I have 15. Basic Strategy says, with a 15, the Dealer has a 10 showing, HIT. My question is, do I HIT again? At some point I start having this idea that my luck with low cards will likely run out - and the chance that I'll be dealt a 10 and then BUST is now high. Do I HIT anyway (as Basic Strategy says I should do) or do I STICK?

Thank you in advance.