Some dealers are trying to crack each persons tipping code. All they have to do is figure out what makes you tip. They don't need to understand why it makes you tip, just what makes you tip. A dog would figure it out quickly why do you think a person is harder to train than a dog? I also think many dealers are real sharp and feel a stronger allegiance to tippers than the casino. I always assume they know exactly what I am doing. I had on that was opposite. I found if I set the cut card so I cut one deck off the top he wouldn't pull it so the pen was 7 dealt of 8 decks. I tipped but after that 1 session he never did it again and gave me shitty pen every time. I try to avoid him now. The point is dealers are mostly on your side if you tip. Some can easily be trained to give what you want by tipping when you get it. It is basic training techniques that work on any animal if they desire the treat enough. Just tip if they do what you want and see if it continues. Most dealers know I am counting, especially the ones that are helpful. At least that is my assumption. If you are a trained counter you probably think I am not counting. I am certain the most helpful dealers know that what I am wanting is what a counter wants once a few appropriately placed tips are made. They will even too openly say things that I wish they would keep to themselves.

All you need to do is find some trainable dealers in the stores in your rotation and you are way ahead of the game. I openly tell them what I want that I am comfortable telling them and train them on the things I am not comfortable saying. Most dealers and even suits want you to win. They see people lose what they can't afford all day long. They love seeing someone win. Especially if they are a tipper on that win. The suits just don't want you to win so much it makes them look bad.