Suggestions when being back roomed:

1.Turn on the video recording app on your phone and leave it running. Take pictures and or video of anything and everything possible.
2. or use the app ACLU Police Tape (Iphone, android?) which will record everything with a blank screen.
3. Repeatedly ask why you are being detained. Have I committed a crime?
4. If refusing to show ID and they call in police then give ID to police and tell them they do not have your permission to provide them to the casino. Get the police name and badge.
5. Tell them you want a lawyer and call one, NOW!
6. Tell them you want Gaming and call them, NOW!
7. Do not threaten them with lawsuits or other retribution as it may escalate the issue.
8. Do not touch the suits, security or police.
9. Stay calm, unemotional and matter of fact with all responses.
10. Respond as little as possible, no matter the subject or question.

Please add or critique this list as your experience or knowledge dictates.........!