I recently happened upon a casino that had the following BJ games on its main floor (note that this is completely different from what CBJN says about this joint):
  • One single deck game, 3:2 for a natural, S17, D10, NDAS, no resplitting, rule of 5 (if three players, only deal two rounds; if two players, deal three rounds; not sure about heads-up because there were always at least two people on that table when I observed). Limits: $25-500.
  • One double deck game, 3:2 for a natural, S17, DOA, NDAS. Pen was almost exactly one full deck. Limits: $25-500.
  • Several six deck games, 3:2 for a natural, S17, DOA, DAS, RSA. Pen was good - typically cut off one deck. Limits $10-1000, $15-1000, and $25-1500.

For a low-limit recreational player like myself, the six deck games were more appealing. What do you think? Would any of you play the SD and DD games with lousy pen over the 6D games with very good rules and pen? (assuming no other AP opportunities such as hole carding or shuffle tracking)