I got caught in a bad situation not too long ago, and I did not handle it well.

I had a large amount of chips from a previous gain and held on to them to avoid card counting flags. I went in again a few weeks later and noticed the casino had new chips with a slightly different design. So I figured I should cash out my old ones right away in case they might expire or something.

Shortly after I came to the cage with the large amount of chips I was asked to go to the backroom where casino employees and law enforcement told me there had been a major chip robbery between my two trips, and they spent several hours detaining me for research and questioning. In an effort to cooperate, I gave them consent to search my car, and they also temporarily took away my laptop, cell phone, cash, and some chips I had from other casinos.

Alone in a room with the officer and a gaming regulator, I was asked if there were some kind of illegal intentions I had with all my chips. I explained that I was holding on to them because I was counting cards, and they promised not to tell casino employees. Then, they immediately betrayed me telling the casino that I am a card counter. The casino knew I won my chips legally, so they cashed out all my chips and returned all my property, but they banned me. The law enforcement also told me that the casino's surveillance group would probably tell the other casinos in the metro area about me.

I was not expecting this and didn't know my rights well, so I made a lot of mistakes. Will I really probably be shut down from playing in the whole metro area? I am young and have to provide ID to get in. Is there anything I can do to improve this situation after the fact?