I played again today, lost a further 1500, propelling me into net loss territory careerwise.

That's my 9th session lost in a row, quite astounding considering that my career chance of losing any session was 43%.

Lost 600 on the last three hands of the first shoe alone, due to ploppy misplaying at third base on all 3 hands.

Having two bottom 2% (statistical) sessions in a row is itself no mean feat, a 1 in 2500 event.

This is definitively the end of my career, I still spent 90% of it in front. There is no longer any thrill in playing a game that feels like a 20% house edge game despite playing perfectly.

I cannot win even individual shoes, and even individual 5-minute stretches anymore.

I have NOT gone on tilt or missized my bets. I see all the cards laid out so this is not cheating.

If I continue playing, I will continue to lose 15% of my turnover every session and my entire bankroll will be gone in two or three weeks.

Thanks for the memories.