Quote Originally Posted by Tthree View Post
I never used it but my dual level 2 and level 3 count with 2 dimensional cancellations my best times are just under 20 seconds and most often about 22 seconds for a deck of cards. I just try to get accuracy and let the speed happen as it does. My worst times are about 28 seconds. I would put my average time around 23 or 24 seconds to count down a deck. With just a level 3 count I would think with enough practice and average time of about 20 seconds or so should be easy enough to hit. Of course you would want to side count aces so that might slow you down a hair but side counting issues usually aren't speed. For some reason some people find side counting hard. I never counted without a side count so to me it is just part of what is normal. I remember trying HILO just to see how much faster it was but it didn't get me any extra speed. I probably didn't practice enough to get fast at it but I never got as fast as the count I was using at the time and I would feel my playing decisions were really poor without an ace neutral count. I am sure with enough practice I could be significantly faster with HILO but I can keep up with the fastest dealers out there so why do I need to be faster.
I'm not very familiar with the counting strategies that you are using but under 20 seconds sounds fairly quick. Counting a level 1 system is pretty easy for me and I'll just go ahead and say that I can count all level 1 strategies in under 15 seconds for a single deck of cards. Level 3 is providing the challenge that I seek.