OK, guess I should clear some things up. To the one asking why I'm "whining" & said I have a "bad act", I'm neither a whiner nor actor, I posted here looking for suggestions to improve my game, not snarky comments. To the one who said I might be a liar because I committed the horrible sin of only having 12 posts, well believe it or not there are some of us who have other things to do than post online! and the one who said DD is a trap in "that town" I never named the town. To the one who suggested my spread/ play is too mechanical, yes you may have a point there. I usually do play 2 units off the top on 6D, but not in DD with my modest bankroll. As far as playing unrated, I started doing that a few years ago when I decided to use "hit & run" tactics (short sessions) & playing more pitch. I'm know playing unrated raises eyebrows some, but it has worked for me pretty well so far as this was my first backoff. Yes I agree it was a "ridiculous backoff" as Bodarc said, of course I knew I'd get backed off someday, but I expected it to be at one of the places in Vegas, Reno, or one of the other towns I play more often than this one. I'm not real worried about it, but the reason I like card counting is I enjoy the challenge, so I'm always looking for ways to improve my game. I appreciate those offering helpful advice, I think I'll make a few adjustments, such as a strict once-per-day limit per property. Won't go back to that town for 6 months or so, their blackjack is mediocre anyway, maybe in fall as that's usually good fishing.