From My Experience I Have Came Up With What I Believe Are The Best Time For AP:

First shift- This is the shift that most of the ‘important’ stuff goes on related to currency, and concluding the gaming day (table game drop, table game count, slot drop, slot count, toke drop, count, atm drop and count. The only downfall to first shift is this is typically the only time the GM, Surveillance Manager, and the big wigs of the table game department are all present. I have read that third shift is the best time to play ( pertaining to tolerance, heat, etc.,) but I 100% disagree with that. Any counter measure I have encountered has come from a boring grave shift pit crew. The theory behind third shift being the lease tolerant is because they see the least, which means they see the most to me.

Slot drop- usually requires the EITS to watch as each box is pulled from the machine and paced in the secure cart.

Big Promo nights- for the red chipper this would be the worse time, if you are wagering green or black you may be able to spread more than usual. I’m talking about the multiple vehicle give away, march madness bracket, every minute for 6 hours cash winner type of promo nights. The nights you have to call your plop buddies and get a reserved table in HL to assure you have a place to camp out for the day.

Table inventory check- This usually is conducted by one or both casino shift managers that are on duty. I have a really unique experience with this one. I mention it because I was once playing at a store that I took for upper 5 figures per sitting for 2 weeks straight when I relocated to the area after losing my job. This young kid was sweating bullets (I was only moving $25 to $800x2). I watched him pick up the phone in the pit, call uisinguse his cell phone, this time of the day because there was an occasion where I knew a BO was comin

The day ‘Dealer School’ lets out - for obvious reasons.

The day after a losing session- This obviously varies per person, per location, and many other factors. Since going over my play from the last 6 months I recognized a pattern of consistent wins after a $3,000 loss or worse. My theory behind this is simple; when I lose, I make sure the entire pit crew knows. After a loss I will typically return and play the same dealer if possible.

Any other suggestions on best time of the day to play? I decided to start this thread because I did not see any similar topics.