I recently took a trip to the Philly/AC area. Found both some goods and bad while traveling, mainly bad outside of Philly. My trip concluded not too long ago, so for now I will refrain from going into great detail. However, while at Bally’s in AC something moderately strange occurred 2 days in a row. After the second day I got the hint and did not return.

While BC’ing a $10 min 8d, fair pen. In the pit where the switch game is, a younger black/Puerto Rican/ Dominican (something of that sort), no older than mid 20’s came and literally stood right beside me as if he were trying to make me feel unconformable. He was about 3-5 feet away from me. I looked at him, he looked at me, and I continued to BC. Nothing going that shoe. Moved down to the pit near the escalator/cage, this is the pit with the mirror on the ceiling. Same exact scenario, except this shoe hit the desired TC for me to Wong in. I play 6-10 rounds, TC drops below target area, I toss a few white chips before the dealer begins the “can I color you up “chant. As I stood up from the table guess who’s there…. Yup, same guy that walked up next to me in the other pit 3 minutes ago.

After I concluded play, I circled around the slot machines to see what he was going to do next, considering the fact that he was blatantly following me; I seen him walk into the pit and talk to the floor supervisor. As I walked towards bell service to see if he was going to try and follow me down the stairs, I decided to take another stroll back through to see if it’s just me or if he stands uncomfortably close to everyone. Walked to an area higher then where I last seen him and did not see him. Walked in the are where TM’s at Bally’s take breaks, nothing.
I left and did not return that day.

Next day, very similar scenario, except as I am ‘playing all’ on a $10 heads up table I look up and guess who’s looking at me eye to eye.. Same fckin guy. Note: I noticed I’m standing there prior to even getting in the target area of Wong out/ or a TC of 1. I played 3-4 rounds after noticing him, colored up and left the BJ pit. I walked to the craps table and made an immediate wager before he disappeared again. I ask the dealer (only he heard it) “who’s that guy right there? I come here a good bit and never seen him” Craps Dealer goes “he’s a slot host”……? At the time I pointed at him he was still standing where I had last seen him, at this point he appeared to be just staring at the back of the dealers head where I was previously seated. Hm, why in the hell would a slot host follow me around bum ass Bally’s casino for two days???? I very rarely play VP and when I do I only play a quarter denomination w/ max bet and don’t ever get much in slot play.. My gf used my card to play several denomination slot machines, but didn’t even lose over $50 while she was throwing her money away, so there was no way I would have been some stand out slot loser that deserved a hat, coat, or even a customized bottle of hand sanitizer. Point is, it was nowhere near enough to have a host hunting me down before I can go elsewhere to give back slot winnings.

I’ve been BO’d, I’ve been hawked to the point that I’ve took it as a light BO and left to never return, I’ve seen guys get back roomed, I just have never experienced nothing similar to this. As this guy stood within punching distance of me, his name tag was clear as day and I was too nervous to look at the damn thing… Shame on me I know.. I’ve goggled “Bally’s slot host, Bally’s card count catcher, surveilance manager, security manager” and a few other searches, and I found nothing.

To my knowledge AC cannot BO a skilled player, just counter measure, correct? If so is this considered a “counter measure”?
After my trip concluded Bally’s sent me a survey. I was truthfully 2 seconds from putting “TELL THE FUCKING IDIOT YOU GUYS HAD FOLLOWING ME THAT, THAT WAS VERY UNPROFESSIONAL AND ALSO VERY UNCONFORMATBLE AS A PATRON IN YOUR RUN DOWN CASINO.” But my better judgment got the best of me.
If anyone that regularly plays in the AC area has had a similar occurrence at Bally’s, or if you’ve had a similar occurrence elsewhere and can help me come to a conclusion I would really appreciate it.

If you do not want to discuss on public forum (I do not believe this is a touchy subject) please shoot me an email.

PS: After returning home I received a survey, free play, a dining credit, and also free rooms for March or May. So at this point I believe I’m still considered a desirable player as far as Total Rewards is concerned.

( I also posted this on 21 )