Hi, I have one of those 'stupid' questions that people are sometimes embarrassed to ask, so I thought I might as well get this one out of the way early on before it gets to the point where I'm too embarrassed to ask at all!

I understand what risk of ruin refers to, it refers to the probability that an investor/gambler will face a particular level of ruin (in our case, it most commonly refers to losing one's entire bankroll). It makes sense to me when someone says the risk of ruin after X number of hands, or the chance of losing a bankroll before doubling it but sometimes I'm a bit lost when people talk about risk of ruin without these details. I'm not quite sure what the standard assumption is for what people are referring to when they only say 'risk of ruin'.

When people simply say 'risk of ruin' does it refer to:
A. the chance of going bust before doubling
B. infinite trials
C. something else

So just to clarify. I'm not asking what RoR is in general. I'm asking, what 'version' of it is usually referred to when it isn't explicitly stated. In other words, what's the standard way people usually talk about RoR.