After a counter commits to memory basic strategy & index plays, it seems that there are other things he can memorize that will be useful.

1) When there is a misdeal and you have the choice to pull out of a hand, it is important to know for each hand combination whether it is +EV or -EV.

2) For match play coupons which allow you to keep the coupon when you surrender, it is helpful to know additional hand combinations that you would surrender.

3) It is good to know which scavender plays are +EV which includes all basic strategy double downs as well as double downs that are not basic strategy, and splits that are not defensive.

4) If you mostly play S17 but also play some H17 for example, it is good to know what hand combinations you would play differently.

5) If you play mostly DAS but also play NDAS, it is good to know what splits you would play differently.

6) If you play both pitch and shoes, you need to know what hand combinations you would play differently.

What else would you add to this?