I know ploppies are ploppies, but this one, i think, takes the cake when it comes to pissing away money...I'm still in somewhat of disbelief so I have to share to see if anyone has witnessed something similar, or this bad.

So I walk into this store that i visit about twice a month. I notice there's two gentlemen at a $25 min bet table, the were friends that were playing together, but there was one "main" guy. I couldn't help but notice the amount of stacked chips in front of him, so I'm thinking oh, ok, a high roller is in the house today. I counted easily $30K. He was playing going back and forth between black chips and purple chips. I didn't pay much more attention, so I walked past them and went to do my business at another table.

Fast forward an hour, I come back here, they are still there, but his chips are about half gone. I stick around for a couple minutes to watch just out of curiosity, and notice the following taking place, just to give you a few examples:

1. Player (mr. high roller) has a 6,2. Dealer showing an 8. Player STANDS on the 6,2...and even gave his reason for doing so to his partner in crime. Something along the lines of "I've lost the last three times I've hit, so I'm gonna stay this time no matter what..."

2. Player has 10,3. Dealer showing a 7. Player SURRENDERS.

3. Player has 10,9. Dealer showing a 5. Player HITS!!!!!...for this one he actually again gave his reasoning to his partner, which was "the last two times I had a 19 the dealer pulled a 21, so I need to break that trend with my 19's".

4. Player has10,10. Dealer showing 10. Player SPLITS!

Plays as the ones I just listed went on for the whole two-to-three minutes I watched. Remember, this guy is going back and forth betting black and purple. And to add dramma to the whole situation, he was cursing out the dealers because they were killing him. After I went to grab lunch I walked back past that table, and mr. high roller was now looking even more upset....playing with a small stack of green chips.

Anyhow, just thought I'd share, in case anyone thinks they've already seen the most idiotic plays, I think this will be hard to beat...I was in such disbelief I didn't know what to think of it. God bless the USA, do as you wish with your money, i guess....BUT DAMMM....