"For the first quarter of this year, the Showboat posted a gross operating profit of nearly $2 million. But that was down from a profit of nearly $8.5 million in the first quarter of 2013."


Although I haven't been there in 4-5 years, I'm going to miss this place.... As a red chipper and infrequent visitor to the area, I have good memories of trying to test a casino's tolerance here, at least in my own mind. I remember back counting multiple tables and being very disciplined at wonging in at TC +2 and out once the TC dropped to even. I was happy to table hop as the count demanded and was ready to feel some heat. When I never felt any pressure from the pit, even after a few 20+unit hands that would win in a row, I learned to be much more aggressive after this experience. Results were only slightly positive by the end of the long session but the experience was very valuable.

Yeah, I'm gonna miss this place.