Hey guys,

The name is Hugh from Dallas and I am new to the forum. I got into card counting about 3 months ago. I have already wet my feet a little at my local casino which unfortunately is located in Oklahoma( home of the $0.50 ante. I was off to a good start getting up to $500 from $300 bet ended up losing it all back due to negative swings and antes. I was back counting while my girlfriend was sitting down making the bets. Any tips on how this can work in our favor in the future ?? Should I continue playing at these casinos ( there's a few) with the ante in play but with favorable rules like DAS RSA upto4x double on any %80 pen s17 or should I not play at all? And also a question that I have not been able to find the answer to.. When a new shoe is in play, the running count is at +1 with almost 6 decks remaing, is the true count still +6 therefore indicating for me to bet 5 units right off the bat? I may be wrong left and right but I have no one to ask and everything I have learned so far is from books and research on the internet with a fair share of YouTube videos. I am here to learn so any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated and if I am wayyyy off, please let me have it! I am very eager to learn and am like a little sponge ready to soak everything up! Thanks in advance!