I realize that the average blackjack player hasn't a clue. I realize that they are fully saturated with confirmation bias and I can not even explain that concept to them as I do not want to appear to be intelligent. I realize that they are funding our winnings and we wouldn't be able to play without them. I get all that.


They slow the game down like crazy. They play the side bets, the whole lot of them. They split tens when the count happens to be hot and take away the potential count (yes I know they eat up the low cards when the situation is flipped). But the worst thing is when I make a play that a typical ploppy doesn't. If I hit A7 against a 10 or I hit 12 against a 4 when the count is negative, they sometimes make a fuss out of it. Now don't get me wrong. I don't give a popcorn fart what some butt dumpling thinks of me and my playing. But I DO mind when they bring attention to me.
One night, I was doing my usual thing. The count got very high towards the end of the 6-deck shoe and I placed a big bet. I was at first base and some butt monkey at third base said something like "man, you counting them cards? You should come count them for me over here!" Luckily, I didn't miss a beat and proceeded to interrupt him while pretending to be drunk saying some slurpy-slur like "dude, I was like a needing that! I just lost the last 4 hands! (which was true, I did lose the previous 4)." The pit boss wasn't around and I spoke louder than him in order to drown him out while he was saying the sensitive phrase "counting cards (twice)!" I just had a feeling he was going to draw attention to me so most of that sentence was drowned out by me speaking even louder.

TL;DR Do any of you all ever find that ploppies draw unwanted attention to you because of play that THEY don't approve of? If so, what do you do or (if anything) to defuse a situation like this?