Took the wife to a store about an hour away to give her some playing time as she's shown an interest in the game. I've been working with her on basic strategy (have a table top, shuffler, chips etc) to see if she likes the play.

Get to the store, check into the hotel and hit the floor. We started playing with a super cool dealer who is treating my wife special as she knows she's a newbie. I'm not even trying to count, just playing BS and start winning really good. The winning is coming, not even trying, just playing perfect BS and helping the wife when she asks. Next thing you know, this speed dealer shows up who is not friendly at all. The wife gets nervous and tells me that she doesn't want to play any more. I try and reassure her that we control the speed of the game, not the dealer but she's completely intimidated.

We take a break for a bit and have some dinner. When we return, the speed dealer just happens to follow us from table to table - I hate it when that happens. :-/