I want to know what percent advantage I have on the house at each particular count using REKO, so I ran a sim set up like this:

I used the betting by depth feature in CVCX to look at a 6 deck H17, RSA, DAS game and ran the sim 1000 Millions rounds.

I set every number in decks 2 -6 to zero to "get them out of the way". (I am only interested in exploring the percent advantages in the first deck dealt for this sim.)

Then I set up the first deck so that each count from -12 to 7 was designated 1 through 20.

I expected to see the numbers in the WIN/LOSS column to gradually increase with each count number but they sort of wander around in an upward slope.

Can you help me understand why? Here is the results, i typed in the correlated REKO count numbers (IRC -20). Thanks.

first deck in 6 deck.png