If your wins are going to be your advantage times time your bet why would your bank grow quicker limiting yourself to Kelly? I suppose because the ror is so high. I just got back into positive territory after 3 yrs playing off and on and about 200 hrs of playing over about fifty sessions. I had a positive variance over a six hr period that made me about 250 units. So on a tc of 4 with about 2% advantage I should only bet like two units.

if you took ror out of the equation by virtue of being able to save again to get back in the game is there some law by which Kelly in and of itself generates faster capital growth. I am getting older and don't want to dink around my whole life with small bets. With my 250 units I am comfortable spreading one unit to 20 units on a das, ns, 6d game with 80% pen, h17. My ror is huge I suppose and is guaranteed (nearly) to wipe me out again right.