I was playing at a casino Thursday and Friday because I was attending a seminar, therefore, I could only break away for short runs to the blackjack tables during the day. As it turned out, on one of these runs, I wound up at a 21+3 table with a well-to-do couple from Chicago, since the casino only had 2 tables open; one 2D and one 6D.

The dealer had relatives in Chicago and kept talking to the couple about it and not paying attention to what she was doing. The count kept hovering around zero but on the largest bet of the session, I had two $ 25 bets on the table. She beat me but paid me anyway. I called it to her attention and she thanked me.

A few hands later I went from one hand to the two $ 25 bets again and she passed my second bet and hit another player who had just walked up and placed a bet. I called her attention to it, she called the pit boss and he let her deal and any player who didn't like his hand could forfeit it. I got a BJ and a 14 so I forfeited the 14, which worked out nice.

A few hands later, she did the exact same thing and I had to call her on it again.

It goes against my grain not to be honest but I think if I had it to do over again, I might do the following to such a dealer:

* Take someone's advice (can't remember who exactly and I apologize) and bet odd amounts.
* Correct under payments and let over payments ride.
* Jump from one hand to two hands in an irregular manner. I don't know what the EV is but to be able to forfeit a hand at no cost must be substantial.
* If the dealer pays me for a losing hand, just shut up. How many times am I supposed to correct a dealer who doesn't pay attention to the game?
* Find out the dealer's shift and return with someone from Chicago to help things along.

This is only one of the things that happened to me on this trip. I will make another post about another one.