I was playing 1st base with 1 other player at the table. Mid-way through shoe with +2TC, Dealer deals me a BJ and Player #2 gets a hard 11 against Dealer's 8 up card.
Dealer pays me off.
Player #2 Doubles Down on a sizable bet and gets a 5 for a hard 16 total.
Dealer reveals his down card and it's another 8. His total is 16 but he says, out loud, "15" and hits it with an Ace.
Now, he has hard 17 but he says, "16" and starts to draw another card.
I'm thinking, "This is wrong!" but I don't say anything because it's happening fast, it might help Player #2 and I'm not really affected, or so I think.
Just then, Dealer's boss, who just HAPPENED to be looking at this very moment, shouts, "No" and begins to move into the table area.
The Dealer ignores the boss and flips the hit card to reveal a King and says, "Dealer Bust."
The boss grabs the King and quickly puts it in the discard tray and says, "The Dealer can't hit a hard 17. Finish the hand at 17."
Player #2 is pissed because she just went from winning a large DD bet to losing it. So, she starts questioning things.
I'm thinking, "That 10 should have been mine." I decided NOT to object because it just seemed too advanced. I had just gotten a BJ on a decent-sized bet and the gal next to me was the one who arguably got hosed. I use a lot of cover here for a good reason and didn't want to appear to be sharp.
The boss would not back down and Player #2 let it go and kept playing.
Two questions:
1) Do you think the boss was correct to do that?
2) Should I have raised the issue about my card getting burned?

Thanks for any thoughts!