Played 5 of these today. On 1st table we're down to 14 players. The tourney pays down to 10. I'm dealt AKs OOP and make a 6x raise. Chip leader shoves on me. I could have folded and probably made it into the final 10 but after looking at his stats (67,35, 3B 24) I called feeling I was way ahead of his range. BTW I had 200+ hands on him. Well I was good 'til the river when his 8,6 hit a 6. I played a LAG style today 18/13 with a 9 3B stat.
2nd table: Came in 6th place. I played this one a little more aggressive.
20/15/11. When you get down to the last 50 or so of these donk fests the guys play a good game. I'm happy to go as deep as I have with these.
Avg. entries 600.

Yesterday I had 1st place.

If anyone objects to me posting this stuff, holler and I'll stop since this is obviously not blackjack.