I must again preach caution with the notion of a preset session length...I know many APs like to employ such a restriction..I find it exceptionally dangerous to do so....with the caveat that if u play in vegas or Atlantic city or some other place with a couple dozen or more casinos within a couple miles drive or walk and your game is hit and run....

I have played short sessions, medium sessions, long session marathon sessions and sometimes sessions covering more than a day...as a gambler, and that's what I still believe APing is....you really put yourself in a hole by predetermining the amount of time u will play..I HAVE NEVER DONE THIS...and never will....excepting those instances when I had a prefix siting committment....

The OP is NOT trying to establish longevity..HE IS TRYING TO SURVIVE...

...screw heat....screw time limits...screw camo...play perfect optimal strategy and play as long as your counting is accurate...walk if you go on tilt....this is about survival...do not try and survive in a time box...that is foolhearty