Last year I won $8K for 125 hrs. of play. Big swing up early on, then losing all of my win plus some and taking the entire year to make a come-back.
This year so far. Again won about $8K early on and then lost it all over a 3-mo time frame. I make a comeback to my $8K high point. Sort of a repeat of last year. Then something happens for the 1st 2-weeks of Sept. For 12 hrs. of play, I win $8.5K. It's one of the miracles that happens every so often. However, I'm under no illusions here. All this does is help make up for the long periods of break-even or losing sessions.


Last year- $8K-125 hrs.
This YTD- $16.5K-125 hrs.
$24.5K/250 hrs. = $98/hr. This is somewhat above my ev, but I'll take it.
If all things being equal, my usual win for high stakes play would have been 7 x this number for a respectable $172K. Well I can't keep looking through the rear view mirror. I'm still happy that I have the health and my mind to continue play.