Quote Originally Posted by bigplayer View Post
10 hours of play with an average bet of $30,000 is far better for the casino than one hour with an average bet of $300,000 even though the house technically will make the same either way.
This seems sensible - the former gives the same expected return with a lower variance. But it requires that the player happily accepts the lower maximum, and sticks around for 10 hours when they might have preferred to just play for one hour. If a player wants to bet $300,000 a hand and a given casino won't let them, it stands to reason that they would fly elsewhere, if some other casino will allow it. With that in mind, does anyone have a good idea of what some of the maximum bets are at big casinos around the world?

Although it's not directly related, can anyone shed some light on my other question? What are the factors that (should) inform specific table maximums? For example, my local has blackjack tables with CSMs which allow a 1-20 spread. This seems small to me. Paradoxically, the premium areas (which have shoe games) allow 1-40. Is the 1-20 restriction simply a mistake? A leftover from the non-CSM days?