this blackjack simulator gives an advantage for each TC. for example, TC 1, advantage .11%. Am I correct in assuming that this is the advantage of TC 1 exactly, and that TC 1.5, for example, should have an advantage of roughly .32% (that's half way between the advantage listed for TC 1, .11% and TC 2, .63%)? Or is this the average of advantage over all of TC1?

Also the simulator lists a bet schedule, i.e. 2x30 @ TC2. Should you bet 2x30 from TC 2-2.9 and at TC 3 switch to 2x50 or would it make sense to scale your bets from 2x30->2x50 from TC2 -> TC 2.9, i.e @ TC 2.8 betting 2x50 or even 2x45?