There is no formula to this because, as said previously, that's not how it works. I can make you a formula, actually, anyone can. But no formula will give you any sort of edge over the house. You will lose with any such formula.

If you want to win, I, along with just about everybody here, will suggest you learn how to count cards. Look up the following systems and see if any are appealing to you: Hi-Lo, Red-7, KISS, KO, or REKO. Counting is not as difficult as you may think. You don't need to keep track of every single card. You simply assign a number (typically +1, 0, or -1) to each card. Your count will start at 0. When a card is played, you include that card's value (+1, 0, -1) to your count. When the count gets high enough, you bet more money. That is, fundamentally, all card-counting is.....Along with a few other things, like varying from basic strategy in certain situations, knowing about bankroll management so you aren't betting too much of your bankroll at any given time, the knowledge that the math and statistics involved in card-counting is meant for the long haul and that there are wild swings (oftentimes you'll lose a lot and oftentimes you'll win a lot, but if played properly, you should come out a winner after many many hours of play). If you are card-counting for a few hours, your wins or losses will be more tied to how lucky you got. Only after a long time can you truly expect to be ahead.

If you don't want to count and play for fun, I suggest you don't alter your bet at all. If you increase your bet, without knowledge of which cards have been played, you will most of the time be betting more money into a situation where you're at a disadvantage. Thus, the more you increase your bet, the more you'll end up losing (if you aren't counting).