
I've been struggling to fully understand the 'Interactive Approximation' mechanism described in chapter 15 of TOBJ, and I'm hoping someone might be able to assist me.

There are a few things I am unsure about, but my first bit of confusion comes right at the start, in the 6-card example; I don't understand how the figures for P12, P13 and P23 are arrived at.

Given the formula -
Pkl = (N/2)M + ((N-2)/2)Mkl - ((N-1)/2)(Mk+Ml)
and the various M values, I get different results to the ones given.
M=516, M1=768, M2=636, M12=1080
P12 = 3*516 + 2*1080 - 2.5 * (768+636) = 198
[but the given figure is 190]

I've been putting together some software to generate approximate dealer probabilities in the way that is described in this chapter. I get reasonable answers when doing it the simple, 'Method A', way; but my attempt at the two-card-removal, 'Method B' approach is way off.

The fact that I don't really understand the theoretical basis behind this approach, and can't quite make sense of the introductory example leaves me rather clueless at this point. :-)