For the ROR calculators and Goal calculator, wouldn't it be more practical to use a formula that takes resizing of the unit into consideration (to reset the k-f) once +/- 'x'% of the BR is gained/lost?

If a professional counter has a 100k BR and drops 20k, he most certainly would resize his unit to keep his risk in check. Conversely, if he won 20k he might increase the size of his unit to reset the k-f back to what it was originally.

Shouldn't these considerations alter the solutions provided in the ROR calculators? In particular, risk would be significantly lowered the more often you resize the unit. For the Goal calculator, I would imagine resizing more frequently would have the affect of giving the counter a better shot at achieving his goal.

I realize these formulas are complicated, but might it be possible to modify the calculators to take resizing of the unit into consideration every time +/- 'x'% of the BR is lost? It really does make a huge difference. I think most players forget that in the real world they will resize their unit at some point so the solutions given in the calculators (while correct) do not necessarily reflect real world considerations.